
Deep in the swamp where shadows dwell
The Ashenshroud, their secrets foretell
Their stories veiled, forever held
In ash and bone
Asa Sa fe

The Risen Clan of the Ash
Rootslake, South Shroud Swamplands
Lavender Beds, Ward 27, Plot 1


In the present day, the Ashenshroud clan has risen from the ashes of their tragic past. Scarred by their history, they have embarked on a path of redemption and rebuilding. With a deep understanding of the consequences of their actions, they seek to mend the wounds they inflicted upon the land and reclaim their rightful place in history.The Ashenshroud clan is known for their resilience and determination. They have embraced their dark past and use it as a driving force to forge a new future. Through their actions, they strive to prove themselves worthy of redemption and to restore their honor.Having learned from their mistakes, the Ashenshroud now respect the natural order and the forces of the forest. They have become staunch protectors of the Black Shroud, working tirelessly to preserve its harmony and balance. They have formed alliances with other clans and organizations, seeking unity in their shared goal of safeguarding the land they call home.The Ashenshroud's journey towards redemption is not an easy one. They face ongoing challenges, both external and internal, as they grapple with the shadows of their past. However, their unwavering determination, coupled with their newfound wisdom, gives them the strength to overcome obstacles and move forward.Through their actions and dedication, the Ashenshroud clan aims to leave a positive legacy, not only for themselves but also for future generations. They strive to be a beacon of hope, reminding others that even in the darkest of times, there is always a chance for redemption and the opportunity to rebuild what was lost.

Though their numbers be but a few, only a few seeds are needed to grow a garden…


It happened before the Houndsfall. Deep in the heart of the Black Shroud, where the ancient trees and old growth loomed like giants and whispered secrets in the wind, there existed a clan known as the Ashenshroud. Once a flourishing beacon of strength and unity, their fate took a dark turn, plunging them into the depths of despair and tragedy.Kah Nico Taatalir, the formidable Matriarch of the Ashenshroud, possessed an unwavering presence that left no room for defiance. Her commanding demeanor instilled both reverence and fear in those who stood before her, her sharp intellect and unwavering resolve guiding the clan through countless trials. But beneath her ironclad exterior lay a vulnerability that would prove to be her undoing.Whispers of misfortune surrounded Kah Nico. In the midst of her joy for the healthy children she bore, there were moments of heart-wrenching loss as miscarriages and stillbirths punctuated her reign. The cause of these devastating events remained a mystery, shrouded in uncertainty and speculation of sickness or by supernatural means. To this day, no one knows for certain.Gridania, with its laws and regulations, pressed upon the Ashenshroud, demanding compliance with the rigid structures of the city-state. But the Ashenshroud resisted, steadfastly refusing to surrender their way of life to appease the whims of distant rulers. Their defiance became a thorn in the side of Gridania, an inconvenient reminder that not all were willing to abandon their livelihoods for the sake of conformity.Sensing an opportunity to exploit the clan's vulnerabilities, the Trapper's League stealthily infiltrated their midst, whispering promises of peace and prosperity to those who would betray their kin. With deceitful tongues, they seduced other clans, luring them with the allure of fertile lands and tranquil lives, if only they would join in uprooting the Ashenshroud from their ancestral home. Like a poison seeping through the veins of camaraderie, these divisive tactics sowed the seeds of discord and ignited a flame of conflict that would consume the once-peaceful existence of the Ashenshroud.As the Trapper's League tightened its grip on their territories, the Ashenshroud found themselves forced into a nomadic existence. The clan, once proud and strong, was now reduced to desperate measures in order to survive. They resorted to poaching, breaking alliances, and thieving, driven by the relentless hunger gnawing at their bellies.Amidst the heartbreaking cycle of lost pregnancies and the weight of ruling her clan, Kah Nico's mental state began to unravel. The toll of repeated tragedies inflicted a heavy burden upon her soul, chipping away at her resilience. Each loss deepened the cracks in her spirit, leaving her haunted by grief and a growing sense of despair. Despite her diminishing capacity, Kah Nico clung fiercely to her position of leadership, even as her mind became a battleground of conflicting emotions and struggles.Though she clung to her position as Matriarch, her grip on sanity grew tenuous, leaving her teetering on the precipice of instability…Suspicion and paranoia seeped into her thoughts, casting a shadow of doubt over her allies and even her own council. The line between friend and foe blurred in her mind, and she viewed those once trusted with a newfound sense of mistrust. Her waning sanity fueled a growing isolation, as she retreated into a web of suspicion and secrets, convinced that betrayal lurked behind every corner. The strain on her mental state threatened not only her relationships but also the very fabric of the Ashenshroud clan itself. Once steadfast friendships crumbled beneath the weight of mistrust and betrayal. The Ashenshroud's rebellion against the suffocating grasp of civilization had painted them as enemies in the eyes of those who once stood by their side.Kah Nico, burdened by loss and driven to the brink of madness, unleashed a torrent of fury upon their enemies. With calculated precision, she waged an all-out war against the Trappers and those who had turned their backs on the Ashenshroud. Rumors of her descent into madness spread like wildfire, whispers of a curse that had twisted her mind and sealed the clan's doom.Winter would arrive swiftly and in their darkest hour, the Ashenshroud turned to their last remaining ally, Clan Azaeka of the South Shroud. Seeking refuge and aid, they laid bare their shattered souls before her. Their Matriarch, a long time friend to the Kah, seemingly sympathetic to their plight, offered shelter for the sick, the feeble, and the children—those who could not wield a weapon in their defense.But treachery ran deeper than the roots of the forest. Unbeknownst to the Ashenshroud, their sanctuary was a trap, skillfully crafted by their Matriarch. When the Ashenshroud's strongest warriors returned to reclaim their home, they found themselves greeted not with open arms, but with spear and blade turned against them.Amidst the chaos of battle, the clash of steel and the cries of the dying, a tragic scene unfolded. The Ashenshroud, once a united clan, now faced a brutal betrayal from within their own ranks. Clan Azaeka, enticed by the promise of power and swayed by false allegiance, turned their weapons against their former comrades. With ruthless efficiency, they slashed their way through the Ashenshroud, leaving behind a trail of destruction and despair, all sanctioned by Gridania.In the midst of the bloodshed, Kah Nico's beloved daughters, Morinah and Anikoh, fell to the treachery of the Matriarch's own firstborn. With only one remaining heir, the weight of their loss threatened to shatter what remained of her fragile sanity. Calling for immediate retreat, Kah Nico returned to the remnants of her once-thriving clan. But instead of the triumphant homecoming she had envisioned, but with a cruel twist of fate. The embers of her shattered dreams were extinguished as her eyes beheld what remained of her people.Thus began the final days of the Clan of Ash.In a final, desperate act of defiance, Kah Nico succumbed to madness. Heart heavy with grief and rage, she ordered the last of her people to join her and set fire to the territories they once sought to claim. Believing this would be the best act of vengeance, they used the fire as a distraction to kill off the remaining enemies who did not burn. But little did she realize that her very actions would invoke the wrath of the very forces they had once revered—the Elementals themselves.The land, now wounded and scarred, unleashed its fury upon the retreating Ashenshroud. The Greenwrath came for them in the night. Rose from the depths of the forest, their rage unmatched and unyielding. A moonless night turned into a nightmare as the wildlings, born from the twisted branches and corrupted earth, swarmed the Ashenshroud's camp.In a macabre dance of death, the Wrath descended upon the clan, gnarled limbs reaching out to claim their quarry. No mercy was granted, no escape found, as the Ashenshroud were torn asunder, their cries of anguish swallowed by the darkness. Those who managed to flee, Woodsin would forever haunt them; their souls forever marked by the sins they had committed.

It seemed that the Ashenshroud, once a proud and revered clan, had met its tragic end. But fate is a capricious mistress, often weaving threads of hope amidst the tapestry of despair. What few survivors, scarred and burdened by their past, would not allow their legacy to crumble into oblivion. They carried within them a flicker of promise, a determination to reclaim their honor and rebuild what had been lost.The story of the Ashenshroud, a grim and gritty tale of shattered dreams and unrelenting darkness, would echo through the years ahead as a cautionary tale. Their tragic downfall stood as a reminder of the consequences that befall those who dare to defy the natural order and invoke the fury of the forces they once revered.In the depths of their despair, the Ashenshroud vowed to rise from the ashes of their own demise. Guided by a glimmer of hope, they set forth on a journey of redemption, seeking to mend the wounds they had inflicted upon the land and to reclaim their rightful place within the annals of history. Their path would be treacherous, their burdens heavy, but the ember of resilience burned bright within their hearts as they stepped into a future shrouded in darkness, yet brimming with the possibility of redemption.


The informal social rules are based on traditions that have been passed down from generation to generation within the clan. These rules cover a range of activities, including:

  • Respecting the Kah and her advisors

  • Following established protocols for addressing members of different ranks

  • Participating in clan activities and events

  • Maintaining good relationships with other clans and communities

Overall, the Ashenshroud clan's laws and social rules are established to maintain order and harmony within the clan. While some rules are formal and others are informal, they are all designed to support the clan's values and traditions. Enforcement of the informal social rules is done through the clan's social order. Members who violate these rules may be shunned or ostracized by other members.For the Oaspete and outsiders, it is expected that they show respect and deference to members of the clan, especially to those in positions of authority. They should not interrupt clan gatherings or discussions unless specifically invited to speak. They should also avoid any behavior that may be seen as disrespectful, such as speaking ill of the clan or its traditions.It is also important that they do not engage in any activities that may be seen as threatening or harmful to the clan or its members, including hunting or gathering without permission, or attempting to access restricted areas. Additionally, they should be mindful of the clan's customs and traditions, and show appropriate respect during rituals and celebrations.While there may not be formal rules or laws governing the behavior of outsiders, violating social etiquette could result in being expelled from the clan's territory or being seen as a threat to the clan's safety.



The Ashenshroud wear clothing made of natural fibers like cotton, wool, or linen, dyed with plant and mineral-based dyes. Their attire is designed for practicality, with removable layers for changing weather conditions.They prefer neutral earthy tones to blend with their surroundings, particularly when hunting or scouting. Jewelry and unique runes adorn their clothing, symbolizing their connection to the clan, ancestors, and environment.For extra grip and protection, they wrap their hands and feet with leather or cloth. They also use ash and mud for camouflage during hunts and scouting.


Given their physical attributes and cultural practices maintained by traditional Keepers of the Shroud, the Ashen are best suited for stealth-based combat and guerrilla tactics and make for terrific hunters.Their prowess is further enhanced with scotopic vision and ability to blend in with their surroundings through the use of mud and ash make them excellent at ambushing and surprising their enemies, bearing a preference for close combat and grappling techniques.Though their nightsight allows them to see in the dark, but makes it difficult for them to see during the day and in bright light.

This unique trait is due to generational exposure to living in the dimly lit forests of the Black Shroud.


Ashenshroud wear feathers and jewelry as a symbol of their culture and connection to the Shroud. The feathers are considered sacred, representing protection, strength, and honor. They are often tied into braided hair or worn as necklaces, bracelets, or anklets. The jewelry is typically made of bone, stone, tooth, or wood and is crafted by the Ashenshroud themselves or traded, or earned in combat.In addition to their spiritual significance, feathers and jewelry also have practical uses. Feathers can be used to decorate weapons and tools, as well as to adorn clothing for ceremonial or special occasions.

Jewelry can also serve as a form of currency, traded with other tribes for goods and promises. Additionally, their use of jewelry and feathers is used to distract opponents and capture prey.

Markings & Tattoos

In terms of their facial features, the Ashenshroud bear sacred Ash marks on their faces, which are given by the clan's Seeress through sacred rite. These marks serve as a symbol of their connection to their ancestors and their reverence for their traditions and culture.Ashenshroud also wear paint on their faces and bodies; the exact design of the paint can vary depending on the occasion or purpose. For example, during hunts or battles, they may wear paint that is intended to intimidate or blend in with their surroundings, while during ceremonies or celebrations, the paint may be more intricate and decorative. The paint is typically made from natural materials found in their environment, such as mud, ash, or crushed berries.


trade commerce

The Ashenshroud engage in trade with nearby settlements, exchanging goods like furs, rare herbs, and animal parts for supplies they need. Skilled hunters and gatherers provide exotic meats, furs, and herbs that are hard to find. They also trade artisanal jewelry, crafted weapons, spell woven raiments, and blessings or curses from the Kah and her Yassa.Rather than using currency, the Ashenshroud prefer bartering and direct trade. Their economy is self-sufficient, relying on local resources. Besides trading, they hunt, fish, farm, and craft various goods.

While wealth and material possessions are not a priority, the Ashenshroud value practical items, offerings to deities and ancestors, and maintaining their self-sufficiency without relying on external sources.

Tribute & Offerings

Ashenshroud place great value on offerings made from natural materials found in the Shroud. This can include rare herbs, animal pelts or bones, and even stones or crystals. They also accept fresh game, fruits, and nuts from the forest, as well as hand-crafted clothing or accessories made from natural materials such as fur, leather, or plant fibers.Offerings of valuable information, knowledge, or skills related to survival in the forest or combat are also highly respected. These offerings are often used in sacred rituals and ceremonies and means for them to offer up for the Elementals.As for tributes the clan itself offers, the Ashen hold great respect for strength and prowess in combat, and those who show bravery and skill in battle are often honored with special gifts or recognition from the Kah. Additionally, those who show great wisdom and leadership in the clan may also receive special tributes, such as the right to wear certain sacred items or symbols of authority.The Ashenshroud value authenticity and sincerity in offerings and do not take kindly to insincere or disrespectful gestures, and will react negatively to such.


The Twelve

As customary, the Ashen recognize certain dieties of the Twelve on a philosophical level than direct worship. Menphina as a patron deity of the Twelve, believing that she offers guidance and protection in matters of the heart, particularly during the full moon. They also recognize Oschon as their tutelary, seeing him as a free-spirited deity who encourages exploration and travel.There is a solid belief that both Menphina and Oschon work together to guide them through life's journey. Menphina offers comfort and guidance in matters of the heart, while Oschon encourages them to explore and seek new experiences. Together, they offer a balanced approach to life, reminding the Keepers of the Moon to follow their passions while also honoring their responsibilities.Though there are members who do not recognize the Twelve as their primary system of worship/belief, they still openly participate, celebrate and even pray to the pantheon — but there is only one true faith that most will answer to:


Elementalism is the true belief system of the Ashenshroud, and focuses on the reverence and worship of the Elementals, the spirits of the natural world in the Shroud. It is believed that the Elementals are responsible for maintaining the balance of the ecosystem and that their power can be temporarily granted through ritual dance, sacrifice, offering, and song.Followers of Elementalism believe in the importance of respecting and preserving the natural Wood, and they see Elementals as both protectors and punishers of those who disturb the balance. However, this belief system is polarizing due to its stance against the corrupt authority of Gridania and its belief in resisting their control. Though Gridania has made no official acknowledgement of this system of belief, the Adders have orders to diminish their numbers as they deem fit.The worship of Elementalism is not openly practiced in the Twelveswood for a number of reasons, and those who do follow it often do so in secret. Ultimately, there is a desire to seek out the restoration of Elementals to their former strength so that they can protect the Shroud from poachers, bandits, and outsiders who seek to exploit its natural resources — whatever means necessary.


The Ashenshroud are governed by a traditional Matriarchal system, with the Kah serving as the head of the clan.Under the Kah's leadership, the Ashenshroud have a council of appointed family representatives, which includes the most experienced and respected members of the clan. The council advises the Kah on important decisions and acts as a check on her power, ensuring that the clan's traditions and values are upheld.The Ashenshroud value consensus and cooperation, and the council works to ensure that everyone in the clan has a voice and is heard, but the Kah serves as the ultimate authority in the clan, responsible for making major decisions and leading the community.

Kah Ninoh Taatalir, Witch of Rootslake

The Ashenshroud clan is governed by the Kah, who is the leader of the clan and responsible for the public safety and welfare of the people of her clan. The Kah coordinates the clan resources needed to prevent, protect against, mitigate against, prepare for, respond to, and recover from incidents of all types.The Kah also has the power to amend or suspend certain clan laws or ordinances, and communicates with the other Keeper Clans and communities within the Shroud.

Kah Ninoh serves as the current Matriarch and is the youngest to inherit the title of Kah.

Exhibiting strong spiritual and mystic connections from a very young age, Ninoh was pulled aside from her two eldest sisters and chosen as her grandmother’s protégée to become the clan’s next Yassa; seeress and shaman of the clan. But it would be shortly after her tenth nameday when Ninoh's fates would shift; being pushed to the front as head of the family as they were felled by the Greenwrath, including her mother Kah.

Despite this tragic event, Ninoh continued her studies in the occult and shamanism, making a name for herself as the Shroudwitch of Rootslake. Though her upbringing after the Greenwrath remains shrouded in mystery, she emerged into adulthood a capable witch and bowhuntress, adept in defending and securing her clan, however necessary.The greatest contrast to the previous Kah and Kah Ninoh is in the way that she has taken the revived clan into a direction that is both progressive and returning them back to their original roots. She seeks to improve upon the wounds they once inflicted upon the Shroud, and restore the Ash clan back to its former renown.

Vultur Netri'a Nbolo of the Silent Arbor

The Vultur is the hand of justice and the bodyguard of the Kah. They are sworn to protect the Kah and her family with their own lives, obey her commands, and keep her secrets. The Vultur is also responsible for appointing the Vanator, who are the hunters and huntresses of the Ash chosen to lead groups and command their own groups.

Uncommon as it is to have a male appointed to this position, it is not unheard of. Upon establishing their roots in the South, Kah Ninoh appointed the firstborn of Netri Nbolo to serve as her hand of justice, her protector and guardian.Though not born of the Ash, Netri’a was once of the South Shroud’s Silent Arbor, within a clan dedicated to barbarous traditions and savoring the life of the hunt. Wild and untamed, violence hardened the Keeper, training him to become a ruthless warrior and hunter, more than capable of using his skills to survive.

Outside of his role as Kah Ninoh’s Vultur, Netri'a uses his skill as a hunter to terrorize those he has marked as his prey, often disregarding clan tradition in favor of his own desires. He is as wild and untamed as he is cunning and adaptable; and his violent behavior has gained him notoriety — he is both feared and revered by those around him.

What possessed a seemingly benevolent Kah to recruit a creature so thirsty for blood and violence remains unknown, but should one find themselves so inclined to force their will upon the Ash or its Kah, Netri'a is ready with violence and unrelenting cruelty.


The Emisar is often appointed to a trusted head of family. They are responsible for maintaining communication and trade relations with other clans and factions. They serve as the Ashenshroud's diplomat, negotiator, and ambassador, and work to establish and maintain alliances and trade agreements.

The Emisar is often the face of the clan to outsiders and must be skilled in diplomacy and persuasion. They work closely with the Kah to ensure that the clan's interests are represented and that alliances and agreements are mutually beneficial. The Emisar must also have a good understanding of the politics and power dynamics of the region and be able to navigate these complexities to the clan's advantage.

Should the Kah find herself indisposed for a period of time, the Emisar can act as Kah in her stead, answering only to the Vultur.


The Yassa is a seeress and shaman of the Ashenshroud clan. They possess a strong spiritual and mystic connection, and are trained in the occult and shamanism. The Yassa is responsible for communicating with the spirits, interpreting their messages and guiding the clan through divination and ritual. It is very rare, but some Yassa possess the capability to discern the call of the Elementals. They also serve as a healer, using herbs and natural remedies to treat illness and injuries.The Yassa is considered a highly respected and important figure within the clan, and is often consulted in matters of decision-making and leadership.

Ide Rutsoke is the appointed Yassa to Kah Ninoh.


The Vanator are hunters and huntresses who are chosen by the Vultur to serve as the clan's elite hunting and scouting force. They are skilled trackers, archers, and wilderness experts who are responsible for procuring food, protecting the clan's territory, and carrying out the will of the Kah and Vultur.The Vanator are chosen for their exceptional skills in hunting and their unwavering loyalty to the clan. They are required to undergo rigorous training and testing before being accepted into the ranks of the Vanator. Once they are chosen, they are granted special privileges and are allowed to wear unique gear that identifies them as members of the Vanator.The Vanator work closely with the Vultur, who assigns them their tasks and missions. They are also responsible for training and mentoring the younger members of the clan who show potential as hunters. As such, they play a crucial role in maintaining the clan's traditions and way of life.


The Oaza is a title of great honor and trust bestowed by the Kah to individuals who have earned her favor and respect. This title is only granted to those who are outside of the clan or who are not Keepers of the Moon, as the Ashenshroud are a fiercely protective people and do not easily trust outsiders.To become an Oaza, one must first earn the respect and trust of the Kah through acts of service or displays of loyalty. This can include anything from aiding the Ashenshroud in a time of need to proving oneself in a great hunt or battle.Once the Kah has deemed an individual worthy of the Oaza title, they are welcomed into the clan as a trusted friend and ally. They are granted the right to sit in clan meetings, participate in celebrations and ceremonies, and travel freely within the Ashenshroud's territories for hunting and gathering. In some rare cases, the Kah may even permit an Oaza to take up temporary or permanent residence within the clan's lands.However, it should be noted that the Oaza title is not given freely, and those who hold it are expected to answer the Kah's call whenever it is given. They are also expected to uphold the traditions and values of the Ashenshroud and to respect the clan's way of life.


The Oaspete are uninitiated members of the Ashenshroud, who have yet to take The Pact or become Ashsworn. They are the lowest rank within the clan and are not permitted to travel alone or with weapons, gather or harvest, or approach the Kah directly or join in events without invitation. Killing within the clan's territory will result in immediate removal and possible execution.As uninitiated members, the Oaspete have much to learn and prove before they can earn the trust and respect of the Ashenshroud. They are expected to observe and assist the Ashsworn and higher-ranked members of the clan, learning the ways of the Ashenshroud and demonstrating their loyalty to the clan. By showing dedication and understanding of the clan's values, they may be considered for initiation into the Ashsworn and eventually earn their place among the council.


The Sclav are the undesirables and exiles. Their names are unspoken, and they are never to be trusted. Execution is met swiftly should they be found in the territory.

Umbra Urma (NPC ROLE ONLY)

The Umbra Urma are the unseen eyes and ears of the Wood; scouts who report directly to the Kah and her Vultur and no one else. They serve as an option to relay messages to the Kah for the sake of continuity.This role serves as an option to relay messages to the Kah for the sake of continuity.


Directly after incurring the Greenwrath, the Ashenshroud were not seen for quite some time and were thought to have been dissolved. It was not until shortly after the Calamity did the surviving Taatalir daughter Ninoh resurface, establishing and laying claim to a portion of the once-unclaimed swamp territories of what are now the wetlands of Rootslake.Ninoh aims to break her clan free of the shame and disgrace they once had, restoring the dead clan to the days from before their displacement by the Adders and Trappers League, when they were a flourishing and prospering clan of the lake.

— Clan Eftmaw of the South Shroud
— Clan Widjigo of the East Shroud

— The City-State Gridania
— Trappers League of Gridania

Reputation and rumor-mongering have driven the clan to further secrecy and isolation, and what few whispers swirl around mentions of witches and cursekeepers being among their ranks, as well as mercenaries, bounty hunters, thieves and questionable trade.
They have no established allies and what few clans regarded them as enemies have yet to incite conflict with them. Ninoh Kah welcomes all who wish to make alliances to join her in talks over tea.
The exact number of the Ashenshroud is unknown to those outside the clan.

The Rootslake Swamplands

The Ashenshroud claims the territory of Rootslake, a forested area located in the eastern region of Gridania. This territory includes the Shroud surrounding the lake, as well as the lake itself and the surrounding areas.The Ashenshroud believe that their territory is sacred and should be protected from those who would harm it or seek to exploit its resources. As such, they have a deep reverence for the land and the creatures that inhabit it.The current location of the Ashenshroud territory resides in a dense swamp region that had been revealed after the Calamity caused the flooding of Rootslake. The lands are permanently saturated with water.Scattered among the area is a series of Gelmorran ruins and fallen debris, which make passage through the wetlands, slightly tolerable but just hardly bearable.

To journey through you must follow the wooden path bridges that network through.Unless specifically granted, visitors will be spotted by one of the patrolling Vanator or one of the Umbra Urma's and will be escorted to the Den of the Ash to be received.

Den of the Ash

The Den of the Ash serves as the central hub of the Ashenshroud's community and provides a variety of essential services for its residents and guests. Located in the lower paths of the South Shroud within the Rootslake region, the Den is built into the Gelmorran ruins and provides communal lodgings and sanctuary for the Ashenshroud's kith and kin.The hamlet surrounding the main house consists of a few buildings, with most of the residents being nomadic and sleeping in small groupings of tents and wagons.

In addition to the communal lodgings and sanctuary for the Ashenshroud's kith and kin, the Den of the Ash also includes several other amenities. These include:

  • Infirmary: There is an infirmary within the Den that provides medical care for the Ash and their guests. It is staffed by healers and trained members of the clan.

  • Training grounds: A designated area for physical training and combat practice, where members can hone their skills and prepare for potential threats.

  • Guest quarters: For visitors or allies of the Ashenshroud, the Den may have guest quarters where they can stay and rest during their stay.

  • Crafting workshops: As a self-sufficient community, the Ashenshroud has a fully functioning workshop for crafting essential items such as weapons, tools, clothing, and medicinal remedies.

The Kah receives her guests within the Den of the Ash, and offerings are received upon the Ash throne. The Ashenshroud's mystics also operate out of their homes within the hamlet, offering goods such as gigging and fishing supplies, mystic items, glamours, and mending services for travelers and adventurers.

The Hallow

Deep within the Rootlake Territories, the Ashenshroud sought after a sanctuary of immense power and arcane knowledge.The solution was the Hallow.It is said that long ago, a coven of powerful witches once made this place their sanctuary, and that their secrets and rituals still linger within its ancient walls.The Hallow is carved out of Gelmorran ruins and twisted tree roots that seem to pulse with an otherworldly energy. Within its sacred halls, the Ashenshroud practice their most potent and secretive rites - the kind that outsiders dare not even whisper about.

The communal area of the Hallow is a place of secrets and conspiracies, where the Ashenshroud gather to discuss matters of great import. In the shadows, whispers of ancient curses and powerful enchantments can be heard, along with tales of Eastern European folklore about witches and their craft.Only those attuned to the Hallow's aether are allowed within the sanctum, for this is a place of great power and danger. An altar of elemental worship dominates the central chamber, surrounded by strange symbols and arcane implements of alchemy and spellcrafting. It is said that those who have not yet been trained in seeing within the scrying reflection risk madness, or worse.


The Ashenshroud clan has a set of formal laws and informal social rules that guide their behavior and interactions within the clan. These laws are based on their own edict and the "Shroud Law," which they view as superior to the laws of Gridania and the Padjal. The formal laws are established and enforced by the Kah and her council of advisors, while the informal social rules are based on tradition and are enforced by the clan's social order.The formal laws are established and enforced by the Kah and her council of advisors, while the informal social rules are based on tradition and are enforced by the clan's social order.Gridania or the Padjal's authority is not recognized.The Ashenshroud also uphold the laws of other friendly Keeper clans and treat them with the highest respect. However, they openly denounce the Trapper's League, which often puts them at odds with their Gridanian allies and the Adders.The formal laws are established and enforced by the Kah and her council of advisors, while the informal social rules are based on tradition and are enforced by the clan's social order.The formal laws cover a range of activities including but not limited to:

  • Prohibiting murder, theft, and other violent crimes

  • Restricting the use of clan resources for personal gain

  • Setting guidelines for eternal bonding and other forms of relationships

  • Outlining punishments for breaking clan laws

Enforcement of these formal laws is the responsibility of the Vultur, who carries out the punishment on behalf of the clan in cases of serious violations. The clan members are expected to abide by the formal laws and can face punishment if they break them. It can be inferred that their laws are likely focused on ensuring the safety and well-being of the clan and its members, as well as maintaining their connection to the natural world and the Elementals. Laws that the clan upholds include:

  • The protection of the natural environment and the Elementals, with penalties for those who harm or disrespect them.

  • The prohibition of violence or harm against fellow clan members, with severe consequences for those who violate this rule.

  • The expectation of loyalty and obedience to the Kah and her appointed officials, with penalties for those who act against their leadership.

  • The regulation of hunting and resource gathering to ensure that the clan's needs are met without depleting the environment.

  • The respect for and celebration of clan traditions, such as the initiation ceremony and other rituals.

  • The maintenance of personal and clan honor through honesty, integrity, and bravery.

  • The protection of clan secrets and the confidentiality of clan discussions.

It is important to note that the specific laws and punishments may vary based on the circumstances and the discretion of the Kah and her appointed officials.


The fantastic part about FFXIV is the lore that has already been woven into the game, and those associated with the Ash strive to maintain an accurate depiction of the canon. As writers, we aim to depict our characters within the boundaries of lore while enriching it with our own interperetations of lore in a way that bends but does not break.
The ideas incorporated into The Ashenshroud and its canon are a homebrew of interpretation of lore from 1.0 up to current patch information with a smattering of unhinged 3am thoughts. These interpretations and inspirations from the lore may change and become adjusted over time.


The Ashenshroud seeks to foster relationships and cultural exchange with other Keeper clans.The Hallow is sacred grounds to the Ashenshroud. One may become intrigued and seek to uncover the secrets behind this ritual. They might attempt to infiltrate the Hallow or make contact with Ashenshroud members to learn more, risking discovery and potential consequences.Far too often do the Ashenshroud face a common enemy or threat that endangers their territories. And with the Calamity leaving the Black Shroud wounded, there is potential for a focal point or surge in voidsent activity. During these moments, they are open to joining forces to protect their lands and drive out any and all intruders.

For Antagonistic Characters Only

We invite villains and antagonists to come and encroach upon the Ashenshroud's territories. There are many a reason why one might find themselves eager to do so. Be mindful, that the Kah has made many powerful friends, and may provide a substantial challenge for your character(s) to win.The Ashenshroud is also open to being antagonized by members of Gridania or the Adders, specifically over boundary disputes, accusations of dark magic, poaching allegations, religious conflicts, and so on. Gridania also trying to encroach and pressure the Ashenshroud to abide by the city-state law, disregarding or challenging their authority as Shroudkin is a big way to get their attention. This could be anything between, interfering with their rituals, undermining their self-imposed authority, encroaching or violating their territory, or sabotaging their efforts to strengthen the Elementals and protect the Shroud.For rival Keeper clans, notably, those familiar or have history with the Ashenshroud, may find their presence and influence within the Twelveswood could be seen as a threat to the delicate balance of power between themselves, the Elementals and other neighboring clans.

Still unsure how to approach?

Seeking guidance or aid: Characters can approach the Den of the Ash and request assistance or guidance from the Ashenshroud. This could involve seeking advice on a quest or problem, requesting healing or medicinal remedies from the infirmary, or asking for assistance in navigating the Swamplands.Becoming allies: Characters can demonstrate their respect for nature and willingness to protect the land, earning the trust and respect of the Ashenshroud. This could involve completing tasks or quests that align with their values, such as defending the territory from threats, helping to preserve the ecosystem, or assisting in the upkeep of the Den.Trading and bartering: Characters can engage in trade and barter with the Ashenshroud. They can visit on market days within the Den of the Ash to exchange goods or services for items such as gigging and fishing supplies, mystic items, glamours, mending services, or supplies for adventurers. This interaction can also provide an opportunity for characters to learn more about the Ashenshroud's way of life and beliefs.

Participating in rituals and ceremonies: Characters may have the chance to participate in the Ashenshroud's rituals and ceremonies, granting them a deeper understanding of their culture and beliefs. This could involve meditation, prayer, or even assisting in the performance of sacred rites. These experiences can deepen the characters' connection with the Ashenshroud and potentially provide them with unique benefits or insights.

Collaborating on quests or missions: Characters can join forces with the Ashenshroud on specific quests or missions that align with their goals or values. This can involve working together to investigate a threat to the territory, uncovering hidden knowledge or artifacts, or combating a common enemy. Such collaborations can foster strong bonds and provide exciting opportunities for roleplay interactions.

Joining the Ashenshroud

OOC Detail

Status: Inactive
Recruiting: No
Lavender Beds, Ward 27, Plot 1DISCORD & CWLS by REQUEST ONLY

  • We are actively growing and expanding our community, so the member list is very small.

  • We value prioritizing real life first, so periods of inactivity may occur.

  • Roleplay can sometimes delve into mature and dark themes. We encourage our members to explore various storylines and character arcs that may involve intense or sensitive topics.

Our goal is to establish a self-sustaining FC that promotes roleplay, fosters friendships, and occasionally engages in content. We believe in building a supportive and immersive environment where everyone can contribute to the growth of the Ashenshroud and Keeper roleplaying overall. We are eager to be more active in the known Miqo'te communities, and look forward to potentially collaborating future roleplay events and IC alliances.

  1. Foster Clear Communication: Treat all members with respect and courtesy. Engage in polite and constructive conversations both in-game and on external platforms such as Discord. Avoid engaging in arguments, harassment, or offensive behavior.

  2. IC Rule Breaking For IC reasons, please communicate with us if you are going to introduce elements that would majorly break or combat with clan rules/mores. Elements as such are great for drama and plot points but can undermine if done frequently or with little regard for the storyline being carried by the Clan

  3. 18+ Only: This RP Free Company is limited to players who are 18 years or older. We acknowledge that some RP themes and content may be more mature in nature and require a certain level of maturity and understanding.

  4. Respect One Another: Act in a mature and responsible manner while participating in the roleplay community. This includes handling conflicts gracefully, resolving issues peacefully, and avoiding disruptive or inappropriate behavior.

  5. Separate IC and OOC: Keep in-character interactions separate from out-of-character interactions. Avoid personal conflicts, grudges, or biases from affecting the quality of roleplay. Remember that disagreements or conflicts between characters should not carry over into real-life interactions.

  6. No Metagaming: Avoid using out-of-character knowledge in your character's actions or decisions. Separate what your character knows from what you, as a player, know. Allow the story and roleplay to unfold naturally.

  7. Character Development: Embrace character development and growth. Allow your character to evolve through their interactions and experiences. Collaborate with other players to create meaningful connections and storylines that enhance the overall roleplay experience.

  8. Bend, Do Not Break: Our lore and story may diverge from the canon lore of traditional Keepers in Final Fantasy XIV. While we respect and draw inspiration from the existing lore, we acknowledge that the Ashenshroud's lore is unique to our own group. Avoid creating characters or storylines that overly contradict or undermine the established lore.

  9. Ongoing Communication: Maintain open lines of communication with FC leaders and fellow members. Share your ideas, suggestions, or concerns with one another, contributing to the continuous improvement of the FC's roleplay environment. Actively participate in discussions and events to foster a thriving roleplay community.

We primarily accept Keeper of the Moon characters as full clan members of the Ashenshroud.If you are not a Keeper of the Moon, you may still be considered an "Oaza" of the Ash, which denotes an established ally of the clan, but at this time only Keeper of the Moon Miqo'te characters will be considered.We value diversity within our community but have chosen to focus on a specific race for the core clan membership.

Asa sa fe.

To become a member of the Ashenshroud, send Synnovx a message on Discord or message Ninoh Taatalir in-game.